Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Recap Remix (pt 2)

Next up features the new 3-pocket design I created using the leftover vinyl I had from my previous Mini Wallet style (and there's still more vinyl for me to play with). These were actually inspired by a friend who wanted a Rothko color scheme. I took my liberties but was happy with the results.  I'm currently selling some of them on my Etsy, and you can also check out RE:UP Handmade on Instagram here!

If you're in Los Angeles, you can find the new style at one of DTLA's only bike shops (El Maestro's Bicycle Shop, pictured here). Per usual, these are great for carrying all the essentials (cash, business cards, credit cards, and ID) while looking fly on the go and supporting your local. xo

Recap Remix (pt 1)

Long overdue on an update here! Since the last time I posted, I've sold my mini wallets and moved on to a new 3-pocket style wallet which I will post in part 2 of my Recap Remix...But first, here are some pictures featuring the items I created for the Brewery Art Walk I participated in this past April.

The Brewery Art Walk is a two day semi-annual art walk that takes place in the Brewery Artist Lofts right on the border of the Los Angeles neighborhoods of Chinatown and Lincoln Heights. As a member of this community I was able to participate in the most recent art walk this past April 26&27. It was a great event with a huge turnout and a positive response from those who came out. I created some one of a kind wearable pieces using found and salvaged denim, along with my vinyl wallets.

As an advantage of living in an artist's community, I discovered an innovative way to create hang tags using Lumi inkodye, which you see in the last picture above.

Monday, February 24, 2014

RE:UP HANDMADE UPDATE! New Wallets up on Etsy!

So I finally updated my Etsy and you can now purchase my mini wallets HERE!

Check out some of what is up for sale (I may be putting up a couple pieces of vintage as well):

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Re:Up Handmade + Happy New Year!

So it's taken too long to finally post some of these new wallets up. There was a batch of Kate Moss wallets that I was never able to post as the majority sold out before I could get them online. A proper photo shoot is in order for me to update my Etsy with these new wallets but here's an idea of what I'll have for sale.

Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2013 was a great year of change for me. I was able to have a lot of personal and creative down time for myself and was finally able to make a major move to Los Angeles. Here's to 2014! Make your dreams come true! :)